Business Development & Conflict Resolution

We assist individuals with starting their own businesses because small business is key to economic independence and community sustainability.

Archive for the month “February, 2014”

If You Want to Succeed, Don’t Be Afraid of Rejection

This is part III of my blog series on “Succeeding in Life”. Part I of my blog series I talked about succeeding by reaching out to others. Successful people dread rejection too, but they believe their goals are worth it. There are two kinds of people in your life: 1. those who already know you have something they need; and 2. those who do not know yet. Part II of my blog series I talked about succeeding by having faith that you can do so. No one else will believe in your success as much as you do and no one will give you the drive to succeed but you. You have to have the faith to know that you are already a success and no matter what anyone else says, you will be successful in everything you do.

Rejection is a funny thing sometimes the results can be positive or negative, depending on how someone responds to it. Jesus experienced more rejection than anybody who ever lived, but He never quit. John 1:11, ” He [Jesus] came unto His own and His own received Him not”. Sometimes the word “no” simply means “not now, but ask again”. A prime example of this is that I recently bid on a contract to assist a non-profit organization with completing their business plan, 501(c)(3) application, and setting up their non-profit, but I did not get the contract. I was not mad or upset because a member of the Board of Directors stated that he would keep my information on file for future business and he would refer me to his brother who has a similar organization in my area. See a “no” turned into to “yes” for future business opportunities.

Do not allow rejection to stop you. Only when you see failure as final, are you finally a failure. Not everyone will like you, but you will survive. John 1:12 “But as many who received Him [Jesus], to them He [gave] the power to become the sons and [daughters] of God”. Someone needs what you have, it is absolutely necessary to their success. Great salespeople know that 14 out of 15 people will say “no”. So they hurry and make their presentations to as many people as possible, in order to reach that one who will say “yes”.

Matthew 10:14 “Jesus said, ‘Whosoever shall not receive you….shake off the dust of your feet'”. When you encounter rejection, shake it off and move on. Sooner or later you will succeed, if you don’t quit. Because someone rejects what you have to offer doesn’t mean they are rejecting you. Opportunity and opposition are hand in hand.

Life is not going to hand you success on a silver platter, you’ve got to overcome adversity and outlast the opposition in order to walk through the door. Only two things are required your faith and God’s favor.

Donya Zimmerman is a business consultant, mediator, and legal professional with over ten years of experience. She is owner of Family & Community Mediation and Business Consulting based in Baltimore, Maryland and has been in business since 2013. Contact information:,, and


If You Want to Succeed, Have the Faith (Part II)

This is part II of my blog series on “Succeeding in Life”. Part I of my blog series I talked about succeeding by reaching out to others. Successful people dread rejection too, but they believe their goals are worth it. There are two kinds of people in your life: 1. those who already know you have something they need; and 2. those who do not know yet. Start a “people list” to reach the people who do not know about the services or products you have to offer them. Use your network of colleagues and friends, who know about your product or services, to reach the “unknown customers”.

In part II of my blog series on “Succeeding in Life”, I will be discussing why it is important to believe and have faith in your own success. No one else will believe in your success as much as you do and no one will give you the drive to succeed but you. You have to have the faith to know that you are already a success and no matter what anyone else says, you will be successful in everything you do. Some people define success as how much money you have in the bank, how big is your house, the type of car you drive, or the type of clothes you wear. But, “true success” is doing something you love to do and making a living at it. Materialistic things come and go, but “true success” is based on how you benefit and increase the lives of others.

For me, “true success” in my life and my business, comes from my belief and trust in God. Not everyone may have the same beliefs as I do, but faith in anyway manner in your life is helpful to success. Happiness brings success and not vice versa (success brings happiness). Here are seven life-changing truths you need to learn to succeed in life:

  1. God will come to where you work and help you.
  2. When what you are doing is not working, God will show you a better way.
  3. Even though it may not make sense at the moment, do what God tells you.
  4. The success God has in mind for you is greater than anything you can envision for yourself.
  5. Your existing systems may not be able to handle what God has in mind, so be willing to change how you do things.
  6. When you experience His goodness, you’ll fall at His feet and acknowledge Him as your Lord.
  7. When you realize what God has in mind for you, you’ll leave everything and follow Him.

No matter what your beliefs are, to succeed in life you must have faith in yourself and know in your heart that no matter what you will succeed. Despite, any trials or tribulations you may go through, never give up and move forward with your dreams because they will come to true.

Donya Zimmerman is a business consultant, mediator, and legal professional with over ten years of experience. She is owner of Family & Community Mediation and Business Consulting based in Baltimore, Maryland and has been in business since 2013. Contact information:,, and

What to Consider Before Getting a Divorce?

The first thing one should consider before getting a divorce is whether it is in your “best interest” and your families “best interest” to end the marriage and break-up the family. There are times when divorce is the only recourse to finding peace and happiness in one’s life. Also, it may be in entire families “best interest” if the marriage ends. Divorce and separation are incredibly difficult experiences for any spouse. This is true regardless of whether or not you wish to divorce or separate due to adultery, cruelty, or one year separation.

Sometimes it may be helpful to go to a marriage counselor or couple therapist to see if you can save the marriage. A marriage counselor or couple therapist can assist a couple with learning how to resolve disputes in an amicable manner or assist with resolving issues that may be the main reason for wanting to divorce (like financial issues, health issues, etc.) Marriage counseling may not be the best tool for every marriage, but can be the first step before deciding to get a divorce attorney. A marriage counselor can help you with coping with a divorce. Marriage counselors can assist you with mentally and emotionally preparing for your divorce, if you decide to end your marriage.

When two individuals decide to marry one another it is comparable to entering into a partnership, the result of which may be a complete merger of every aspect of their lives: social, financial, personal, etc. Therefore, before you decide to divorce or separate from your spouse and terminate the relationship you should consider the following:

  • Talking to a marriage counselor or professional therapist who may be able to help you resolve your marital problems or help you cope with the divorce.
  • Your ability to financially retain legal counsel.
  • Obtaining copies of all relevant financial information or statements of property.
  • Staying in the matrimonial home so to increase your eligibility for exclusive possession (i.e. do not leave or move out unless it is absolutely unbearable or your safety is at risk).
  • The possibility that you may need to draft a new will.
  • Marriage usually and definitely revokes any prior-existing wills and divorce or separation will not revive them.
  • Generally, spouses will create mirror wills designating each other as beneficiaries of the estate should death occur. Therefore, it may be in your best interests to draft a new will taking into account the eventual change in your circumstances and altering your beneficiary designations.
  • The possibility that you may need to change the beneficiary designations of any life insurance policies, investments or pensions you may have. Divorce will not automatically revoke the designation rather you must expressly change it.
  • Severing any joint tenancies you may have with your spouse and transforming them into tenancies in common. With joint tenancies the right of survivorship applies. What this means is that all interests in the assets are held jointly and when one interest holder dies the other inherits his or her share through survivorship, it does not pass on to the heirs of the deceased. The effect of severing and transforming it into a tenancy in common will allow you to deal with your interest as you wish and you may designate it to whomever you like because the right of survivorship will no longer apply.
  • Giving notice to the issuers of joint credit cards or banks who have extended joint credit that you will no longer be accountable for debts incurred by your spouse. However, it would probably be in your best interests, while you are waiting for your divorce to be approved and for an order to be obtained, to try and maintain the status quo. Therefore, if you and your spouse do possess joint credit cards or lines of credit you should not act drastically and begin overspending or attempt to cancel all credit cards or withdraw all funds from the line of credit. This could lead to the freezing of your accounts or the courts being less sympathetic with regards to you and your case. It is important that during this interim stage you continue to execute daily tasks and organize your affairs as you had done previously. An option could be to reduce the limit on your line of credit or credit card if you are worried about overspending or excessive withdrawals.


Another important factor to consider before divorcing is how it will affect your children. It is advisable to sit down with your children, talk to them carefully and in a loving manner, to explain to them why “mommy” and “daddy” are divorcing. Also, it is advisable to have the whole family attend counseling sessions to assist the children with adjusting to the transition of their family. Many times a couple will divorce without taking into consideration how the divorce will affect the children. Also, I believe that you should not have the court determine any issues concerning the care and upbringing of your children. It is advisable to try and resolve all issues concerning the children (child custody, child support, visitation, etc.) through mediation, arbitration, or alternative dispute resolution. As a divorcing couple, you would rather resolve all issues concerning your children on your own terms. It is not in your children’s “best interest” if a judge tells you who shall have custody, set-up a visitation schedule, and how much child support should be paid. With the assistance of a mediator or arbitrator, you can make important decisions concerning your children. A divorce couple should use the court system as a last resort to resolve issues concerning their children in a divorce proceeding. Also, you should ensure that your children continue with counseling throughout the divorce process, so that they can adjust to their family breaking up in a peaceful way.


Divorce is not an easy decision for anyone to have to make, but it should be done in a manner that is beneficial to all involved (couple and the children).


Donya Zimmerman is a business consultant, mediator, and legal professional with over ten years of experience. She is owner of Family & Community Mediation and Business Consulting based in Baltimore, Maryland and has been in business since 2013. Contact information:,, and


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