Business Development & Conflict Resolution

We assist individuals with starting their own businesses because small business is key to economic independence and community sustainability.

Archive for the month “September, 2014”

How to Succeed, Ask Yourself these Three Important Questions

Ephesians 5:15-16 “Use your head. Make the most of every chance you get [in life].” It is always good to have a plan for whatever you want to achieve in life. When following a plan, it is like using GPS (Global Positioning System). With a plan or GPS, it lets you know where you are and takes you where you want to go, and it can create a personalized road map for one’s life. But, the difference between the GPS and one’s personal plan, is that you have to create your own turn-by-turn directions. Mark Twain stated, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting with the first one.”

To reach your planned destination one must ask oneself these three questions: (1) What’s my present position? It will be impossible to be successful in life, if you ignore the reality of your present position in life. The former CEO of General Electric observed, “Strategic management is trying to understand where you will sit in tomorrow’s world, not where you hope to sit; it’s assessing where you want to be, and where you can be.” (2) What’s my desired destination? One should always write down what their dream will look like once they achieve it. Henry J. Kaiser, founder of Kaiser Permanente health care system, said, “The evidence is overwhelming that you cannot begin to achieve your best unless you have some aim in life.” (3) What are the in-between steps? One must know where they want to be in the future and must identify the steps that will help them get there, or else, one will be in the same spot five years from now.

Please remember to use your head and make the most of every opportunity God gives you to succeed in life.

Donya Zimmerman is a business consultant, mediator, and legal professional with over ten years of experience.  She is owner of Family & Community Mediation and Business Consulting (FACMBC) based in Baltimore, Maryland and has been in business since 2013. Services provided by FACMBC:  Mediation and Conflict Resolution Services; Business Registration Assistance (Limited Liability Company, Corporation, S-Corp, Limited Liability Partnership, etc.); Business Plan Drafting Assistance; Business Certification Assistance (MBE, WOSB, 8A, 501(c) (3), Hub Zone, etc.); and Business Organization Assistance. She is also a contributing writer to the Maryland Daily Examiner Newspaper. Contact information:;;;

How to Succeed, Get rid of the Non-Essentials in One’s Life

Hebrews 12:1-2 “Let us lay aside every weight; and the sin which does so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. V2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.” The success God has for your life requires you to give up certain things that are too comfortable. You must be willing to walk away from the “security of life” to fulfill God’s plan for your life. If you take that “giant leap of faith” many wonderful things will be added to your life. One must be willing to give up the obvious things that you love, but know won’t help you to reach your God-given gifts and talents.

Removing the “non-essentials” from your daily life will be a constant struggle, but it is worth it. Why? Because you will get worn out trying to carry too many things on one’s journey and will not be able to reach your destination. It is good to get rid of the “baggage” in your life, in order to reach your full potential in your life, career, and your business.

Donya Zimmerman is a business consultant, mediator, and legal professional with over ten years of experience.  She is owner of Family & Community Mediation and Business Consulting (FACMBC) based in Baltimore, Maryland and has been in business since 2013. Services provided by FACMBC:  Mediation and Conflict Resolution Services; Business Registration Assistance (Limited Liability Company, Corporation, S-Corp, Limited Liability Partnership, etc.); Business Plan Drafting Assistance; Business Certification Assistance (MBE, WOSB, 8A, 501(c) (3), Hub Zone, etc.); and Business Organization Assistance. She is also a contributing writer to the Maryland Daily Examiner Newspaper. Contact information:;;;

How to Succeed, Learn to Be Tenacious

Acts 20:23-24 “The Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that trials and tribulations await me. But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life clear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy.” The key factor for successful people is that they do not quit or give up. No matter what problems a successful person has they resolve to do great and reach their goals. Successful people always see other ways, other opportunities, and other options. They don’t believe in “can’t” or “giving up”. Successful people are very “tenacious” because every day they are doing a “little something” to reach their goals.

Successful people trust and believe in themselves and their God-given destiny. Successful people know that God is with them every step of the way. Successful individuals know that God has given them all the necessary tools needed to reach their God-given goals and talents. Remember with God, all your God-given dreams will come true. Isaiah 40:29 “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.”

Donya Zimmerman is a business consultant, mediator, and legal professional with over ten years of experience.  She is owner of Family & Community Mediation and Business Consulting (FACMBC) based in Baltimore, Maryland and has been in business since 2013. Services provided by FACMBC:  Mediation and Conflict Resolution Services; Business Registration Assistance (Limited Liability Company, Corporation, S-Corp, Limited Liability Partnership, etc.); Business Plan Drafting Assistance; Business Certification Assistance (MBE, WOSB, 8A, 501(c) (3), Hub Zone, etc.); and Business Organization Assistance. She is also a contributing writer to the Maryland Daily Examiner Newspaper. Contact information:;;;

How to Succeed, Be Flexible II

Psalm 37:23-24 “V.23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. V.24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholds him with His hands.” Psalm 37: 23-24 states the following that should be followed by anyone in their everyday life:

  • God loves the fact that you’re willing to step out in faith and try to follow your God-given talents and gifts.
  • God doesn’t promise that you will not stumble or fall, but He won’t let you fail.
  • When you feel like you can’t go further, He will uphold and strengthen you.

Things in your life may change, but God stays the same. You must be willing to adapt to the unknown and unforeseeable circumstances.

What good is a well-planned strategy if there are no good results? Winston Churchill stated: “However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.” God is more committed to the vision He’s given you than you are. If God leads you into a new direction, you must be willing to follow Him. This is called being flexible.

Donya Zimmerman is a business consultant, mediator, and legal professional with over ten years of experience.  She is owner of Family & Community Mediation and Business Consulting (FACMBC) based in Baltimore, Maryland and has been in business since 2013. Services provided by FACMBC:  Mediation and Conflict Resolution Services; Business Registration Assistance (Limited Liability Company, Corporation, S-Corp, Limited Liability Partnership, etc.); Business Plan Drafting Assistance; Business Certification Assistance (MBE, WOSB, 8A, 501(c) (3), Hub Zone, etc.); and Business Organization Assistance. She is also a contributing writer to the Maryland Daily Examiner Newspaper. Contact information:;;;

How to Succeed, How to Fight Discouragement

Psalm 39:7 “Lord where do I put my hope? My hope is with you, Lord.” There are many circumstances or situations that will cause one to feel discouraged or afraid to move forward with one’s God-given gifts and talents. Here are a few circumstances or situations that can cause one to feel discouraged or willingness to give up:

  • Loss of job.
  • Loss of family or friends.
  • Financial issues.

But, one should not allow anything to deter them from their God-given gifts or talents. I have learned throughout my life to “put all my hope and trust in God.” I have learned that as long as I put my faith and trust in God everything will be okay.

Here are four suggestions to deal with the upheavals in life and how to grow from them:

  • Admit how you feel. You should trust God enough to acknowledge how you really feel.
  • Identify the source. Discouragement comes on the heels of a setback or disappointment.
  • Talk with a trusted counselor. Proverbs 11:14 “The more wise counsel…the better your chances.”
  • Be open before God. God, not fate, writes the last chapter.

When you hope in God, He replaces discouragement with confidence, so that what you’re going through can become a path to spiritual growth. When feeling discouraged, give it to God, pray about it, read God’s Word, and put all your faith and trust in God. If you do so, see what God can do in your life.

Donya Zimmerman is a business consultant, mediator, and legal professional with over ten years of experience.  She is owner of Family & Community Mediation and Business Consulting (FACMBC) based in Baltimore, Maryland and has been in business since 2013. Services provided by FACMBC:  Mediation and Conflict Resolution Services; Business Registration Assistance (Limited Liability Company, Corporation, S-Corp, Limited Liability Partnership, etc.); Business Plan Drafting Assistance; Business Certification Assistance (MBE, WOSB, 8A, 501(c) (3), Hub Zone, etc.); and Business Organization Assistance. She is also a contributing writer to the Maryland Daily Examiner Newspaper. Contact information:;;;

44 Healthy Foods For Less Than A $1

Black America Web

After a recent shopping trip I overheard a woman saying she stays away from eating healthier because she is on a fixed income and healthy food is way to expensive. I was a little stunned, but I also could empathize with her confession. I have been there, in the grocery store deciding what healthy foods to buy without being broke until payday.

On the journey to your ideal weight, it is very important to eat foods that promote a healthier lifestyle but, how do you do that on a budget.  Eating healthy does not have to break the bank. You can eat deliciously nutritious foods for less than a $1 and below this list will show you how.

List of 44 Foods Under a $1: 

1. Black beans$0.30 cents per ½ cup serving, about $1 per can These unassuming beans pack a ton of fiber and have a solid…

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Mustard Seed Budget

discouragementWe tend to think discouragement is a feeling, not a sin.

But because of discouragement, Daniel’s contemporaries let themselves go. Exiled to Babylon, ripped out of their beloved homeland, deprived of hope, there was nothing to live for. With only depression, without a future, without hope, they might as well live it up. They would eat all the king’s delicious food in his service. Who cares that it contaminated them? that it was dedicated to idols? After all, what would be the point of consecrating themselves to God? All was lost in the exile.

But Daniel decided to avoid the unholy food and wine. He continued to consecrate himself to God.

At the end of the day, he never returned to Israel. He spent the rest of his life in exile, as a counselor (slave) to foreign kings. But he made impact for God in foreign lands. The book of…

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The Son of God, walked through the sapphire gates of heaven and entered a depraved earth, through the dark alleys of Sin, armed with true perfection and wholeness, to reveal who God is to the fallen man.

In His earthly life as the son of man, He was a mirror that reflected who God is and who He was in Him as a deity. (See John 1: 18, Hebrews 1:3) Godliness therefore is an expression of divinity through earthen vessels. Jesus did not wake up trying to overcome sin or being somehow careful that He will not sin against His God. That will not be a life of Godliness but a life of fear which is a byproduct of self dependent.

Most believers live daily focusing on how they will not sin against God, instead being God conscious, for His life to manifest in activationthem through faith. The Christian…

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When you feel afraid

How to Overcome Fear.

faith, facing your fears, daughter by design, trust God,Fear.

It’s what kept the Israelites walking around in circles when they were destined for the Promised Land.

It’s what made Peter start drowning when he should have kept on walking on water.

It’s what causes dreams to be left unfulfilled and buried with talented, gifted, and skilled women and men all around the world.

For the Israelites it was the uncertainty that God would take them to the Promised Land.

For Peter it was the uncertainty that he could keep on walking on water with crashing waves all around him.

For you it could be something else.

Fear of pursuing your dreams because you might be rejected.

Fear of following Jesus into an unknown future because you don’t know what it might hold.

Fear of what might happen if you take a step forward.

Fear of what might not happen if you do.

Fear in itself is not a…

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How to Succeed, Unemployed Now What? Create Your Own Job with Your Skills!

When I had to give up my law practice in 2012, I was lost and confused because I did not know what I was going to do for work and income. It took me about 3 months to figure out what I could do next in my life. As soon as, I closed my law practice, I began to take courses on how to do a resume, dress for an interview, and prepare for an interview. I think I took three courses on looking for and obtaining employment. When I started to apply for jobs in August of 2012, I came to realize that there more individuals unemployed than available jobs. Also, I was getting pressure from family members that stated I needed to find a job, but they failed to realize that I had been my own boss since 2001 and had not worked for anyone else since 2006. I felt that I needed to find a 9 to 5 job to please my family, so for about 4 months I was applying for jobs and attending courses and workshops on how to apply for jobs. But after that 4 month period, God made me realize that I was not cut-out for the 9 to 5 job and I was more of an entrepreneur and small business owner.

In February 2013, I began to attend seminars and workshops offered by Small Business Administration (SBA) teaching individuals how to start their own business. Also, during February 2013, I was accepted into the Women Entrepreneurs of Baltimore, Inc. (WEB) course that taught individuals how to start their own business. The key to the WEB program was that they taught you how to write your business plan for the business you would like to start. I completed the course in June of 2013 and I was very glad that I took the course because it provided me with the tools I needed to start my second business.

If you are unemployed and have been looking for a job for at least 6 months, it is time to take an inventory of all the skills and talents you have right now. Once you have made a list of all the skills and talents you have, it is time to sit down and create a plan on how to start a business, and earn an income with your skills and talents. In today’s job market, there are less jobs for individuals. That is why the federal government, state governments, and local governments are setting up programs to assist individuals with learning new job skills and starting their own businesses. One thing you must remember is that “can’t” is not an option and should not be included in your vocabulary. What should be included in your vocabulary is “can” because you can achieve anything your heart desires.

If you cannot find a job, here are few options you can do to supplement your income:

  • See if any of your family or friends’ jobs are hiring and ask them to put in a good word for you.
  • If there is a job that you desire to have and you don’t have the necessary skills for the job, go back to school and take the necessary courses needed to get the skills required for that particular job.
  • Volunteering for certain organizations or companies is good way to get noticed by the hiring manager when there are openings for jobs within the organization or company.
  • If need be, go back to school to improve, enhance, and upgrade your jobs skills to compete in today’s job market. For example, if you are not good at working on computers, take a computer class.
  • Always attend classes and courses that teach you how to write a resume, dress for a job interview, and prepare for the job interview.
  • Also, if you have some skills and talents, start working on your own business to increase your income.
  • Never ever be afraid to ask someone for assistance with seeking a job.


Donya Zimmerman is a business consultant, mediator, and legal professional with over ten years of experience.  She is owner of Family & Community Mediation and Business Consulting (FACMBC) based in Baltimore, Maryland and has been in business since 2013. Services provided by FACMBC:  Mediation and Conflict Resolution Services; Business Registration Assistance (Limited Liability Company, Corporation, S-Corp, Limited Liability Partnership, etc.); Business Plan Drafting Assistance; Business Certification Assistance (MBE, WOSB, 8A, 501(c) (3), Hub Zone, etc.); and Business Organization Assistance. She is also a contributing writer to the Maryland Daily Examiner Newspaper. Contact information:;;;


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